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Best bread knife for sourdough

It takes a little more effort to cut fresh sourdough bread so that you obtain clean slices without squashing or breaking the loaf. Here is a detailed instruction:
Materials required:
1.A lethal serrated blade
2.Chopping block
Allow the Sourdough Bread to Cool: Let the just-baked sourdough bread cool fully. This aids in setting and firming the bread, which makes it simpler to cut without squishing.
Pick the Right Knife: The finest instrument for cutting sourdough bread is a sharp, serrated knife. You may cut through the crust with the aid of the serrated edge without damaging the delicate inside.
Position the Bread: A solid cutting board should be used to position the chilled sourdough bread. Making ensuring the loaf is stable and won't move about when you're cutting is important.
Choose Your Slice Thickness: Choose the thickness of your desired slices. Slices of sourdough bread can be either thick for sandwiches or thin for toasting.

Score the Bread: You have the option of scoring the bread's top before cutting your whole pieces. Make shallow slashes over the bread's top with a sharp knife. This may make your slices look tidy and clean and stop the knife from ripping the crust.
Start Cutting: Start cutting by carefully sawing back and forth through the crust while holding the knife at a small slant. Don't apply too much pressure at first; let the serrated edge do the work. Use one hand to stabilize the bread while cutting, and the other to control the knife.
Continue Slicing: Maintain a steady sawing motion as you slice your way through the loaf. Don't try to force the knife through any obstructions. As an alternative, slowly saw back and forth until the knife penetrates the crust.
Slice the Bottom: After cutting through the top crust, flip the bread over and repeat the process for the bottom crust. By doing this, you can guarantee equal slices and avoid flattening the bottom while you're cutting.
Store the Bread: After cutting the necessary number of pieces from the loaf, keep the remaining bread appropriately. To keep it fresh, put it in a bread box, a paper bag, or a clean kitchen towel.
Final Words
Keeping this in mind, practice makes perfect. It could take some skill to cut sourdough bread, especially if you've never handled artisan bread with a thick crust. But with time, you'll hone the proper touch and method for stunning slices.
Best bread knife for sourdough

Best bread knife for sourdough


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