"Architecte en ligne" is a Swiss brand in development that provides architecture services online.
​​​​​​​The sleek, modern and minimalist design perfectly translates the Client's demand.

"Leonor's work has exceeded our expectations!" 

The client has participated in the different stages of project development. They were presented with different options resulting from an extensive brainstorming process. Their valuable feedback was taken into account, and the joint design choices are here reflected as the final result.
The logo represents a cube under construction, being built step by step, just like an architecture project. 

The use of such an fundamental geometric shape is a call to some of the most essential architectural principles: balance, strength and stability.
The simple yet sturdy character of the cube is a call to the minimalism that the brand stands for.

The delicate yet bold color palette reinforces the sleek and modern design of the logo.
The line as a design element helps to balance the look of the logo and is at the same time a word play - "en ligne" means "on line" in French, and it is a reflection of the Client's more playful outlook on their business.
Architecte en ligne


Architecte en ligne
