My dad started running well over a year ago, possibly almost two years ago and in that time he has run numberous 10Ks, a few half marathons and plenty more outside of actual races. This year, he has decided he wants to begin training for a marathon. So, in honor of him deciding to keep moving forward with something that he loves, and in honor of Fathers Day, I created this abstract composition.
The piece consists of every mile that he ran in a year. I took the GPS data from his Nike+ and copied it all to my computer. Then, I took screenshots of the hundreds of routes and began tracing over them. Finally, I organized them in a ridiculous cluster to give you the feeling that he ran a lot. Which he did. All together, the distance he ran this past year was 802 miles. If he can do that, he can easily run 26.2 miles in one go.


This was made as a Fathers Day gift. It represents his dedication to something that he recently has fallen in love with; running. I took the GPS Read More
