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Illustration and animation video of a pregnancy journey

Our team designed an illustration and animated a video for our client, Rohit and Surbhi, commemorating the joyful journey from Surbhi’s pregnancy to the heartwarming gender reveal as they introduce their precious second girl child, #BABYSURO. 👨‍👩‍👧

The pregnancy feeling of every mom is a rollercoaster of emotions, from the joy of creating life to the awe of feeling their baby's first movements. Amidst the physical changes and hormonal shifts, there's an overwhelming sense of love and connection to the tiny life growing within. 

Surbhi wanted to encapsulate this journey into a small video. SHE PROVIDED THE ENTIRE CONTENT, INCLUDING THE SCENE DIRECTION FOR THE VIDEO. Pinata's role was solely focused on creating the illustrations and animations based on Surbhi's guidance and vision. We created unique illustrations of the family and incorporated soft colours, along with a few elements to symbolise their idea of a "rainbow baby" for their little one.

We are delighted to have crafted this video for them.❤️
Illustration and animation video of a pregnancy journey


Illustration and animation video of a pregnancy journey
