Belén Gutiérrez Pérez's profile

Fanzine KIDS- Larry clark

KIDS (1995) ZINE

After watching Larry Clark's film "Kids" (1995), I wanted to portray in my fanzine, a point of view of the story that had occupied a few seconds of screen time. The film is about a group of 12-year-old in New York City who play dangerously with sex and drugs. Such a crude but real reality in the slums of this city.

The concept of the zine is to reflect these problems, which are not typical of children, through the eyes of the only innocent character whose experiences correspond to her age, the protagonist's neighbour, Adriane Brown, a 5-year-old girl, who we can see in a scene holding a toy.

From this perspective, the story of the protagonists is told through the innocence of this child. Creating a diary full of contrasts between childhood and the marginalized society in which these children live.


Fanzine KIDS- Larry clark


Fanzine KIDS- Larry clark
