Channel 4
Satellite television channel 4 is a dedicated music video broadcasting television with its signal available worldwide. I have been collaborating with this channel for approximately 8 years, creating a considerable number of television commercials that were aired on this channel. Due to network regulations and confidentiality agreements with clients, I am unable to share specific examples here, but many of them involved motion graphics, animation, and the integration of images and videos.
However, I will provide descriptions of some of my work that was specifically for the channel:
These two samples are from several station IDs that I worked on for the network. Each of these IDs was designed and produced to represent a specific concept and a particular genre associated with the diverse music styles broadcasted.
Another project I worked on involved utilizing the capacity for 2D animation production. We designed a scenario to create animated intros for various music styles aired on the channel. These intros featured special channel characters, and we eventually produced the following two outputs. These examples represent around 25 videos that we produced.
Below, I am sharing a few samples of the broadcasting television's graphics, on-screen visuals, program announcements, and more that I created.
Channel 4

Channel 4
