Mehdi Sossey Alaoui's profile

L’Bazar 33 : Tazerzit

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind the Tazerzit symbol on our L'Bazar 33 branding? This ancient Amazigh symbol represents the powerful and transformative energy of the sun, and its ability to bring new life and growth to the world.
At L'Bazar 33, we believe in the power of sustainable fashion to transform the world we live in. That's why we've chosen to incorporate this powerful symbol into our branding - to remind us of our mission to bring new life to the world of fashion.
The Tazerzit symbol represents the axis of the world and the harmonious balance of all elements - beings, things, and spirits. It symbolizes a thriving lifestyle, happiness, and fertility, and is considered to embody life and wisdom. It is a powerful symbol of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all things. 
For us at L'Bazar 33, the Tazerzit symbol represents our commitment to balance and harmony in all aspects of our business. We strive to create sustainable fashion that is both beautiful and functional, and to promote a culture of creativity and collaboration within our community.
So the next time you see our Tazerzit logo, remember the power and transformative energy it represents, and join us in our mission to create a more sustainable and beautiful world through fashion.
L’Bazar 33 : Tazerzit


Project Made For

L’Bazar 33 : Tazerzit
