Hallmark Channel - Seasonal Branding

Essencial Graphics · QC Protocols

Hallmark Channel  |  Great branding I worked on for Superestudio

I started working with Superestudio as a freelancer, but I always wanted to have my own team working with me. After delivering ESPN branding, I had the chance to make that proposal. As usual, Superestudio guys always respected my opinion and my ideas, so I moved forward with a new meeting. During the previous work (ESPN) I created a document which reflected all the things we could improve for future works. Between all those issues I also wrote down some possible solutions. One of those solutions, was the creation of my own QC Team, and they really liked it!

There was this incoming work: Hallmark Channel, so we decided to move forward. QC in After Effect and specifically in a branding with Essential Graphics is not simple and you won't find so much in Youtube, so I decided to write our own path, creating protocols, tutorials and checklists.

The process consisted on checking, solving problems, writing them down, and pass the information for the rest of the team. Some times we had to go back to Lea Feuz and Ezequiel Odone, from Superestudio, to have long meetings discussing the best way to proceed, without creating a confusing piece. This is how we ended up with a protocol that was our bible, full of details, explanations, reference images, and step by step methods.

The project was a success!
We delivered more than 8 different seasons,
in 16:9, 9:16 and 1:1!

It was an insane amount of work with hundred of animations!

The Essential Graphics system created by Superestudio was a piece of art. Almost every single option was covered on this system trying always to make a light, functional and no error piece. Our work here consisted on learning, checking, fixing and minimising any possible mistakes for the user.

Although we used Essential Graphics, the channel needed some Old School animations for the Titlecards, in order to have 100% control to customise these animations.

We delivered a simple system, with no expression code in it, so the user could change the stuff in there, without the possibility to make any mistake, keeping the animations as neat as the original piece.

Hallmark Channel - Seasonal Branding

Hallmark Channel - Seasonal Branding

Hallmark Channel - TV and off-air seasonal branding with Essential Graphics automatic customization
