Wan Ling Lin's profile

Departure in F Minor

The Music Project

The music “ Departure in F Minor” is a piece of music that is delivered with the help of piano. 
The music kicks off with a quick and busy tempo before slowing down into a regular pattern at 
the mark of 1 minute and 47 second.

Solution 1
I am going to use the post card as my media. I derived with the idea of using post cards as my 
target audience were travellers and I thought post cards would be a more appealing media for them.

Solution 2
This solution is to hope to be able to communicate and reach out to people who are undergoing similar experience. It would also deliver a message that a nightmare need not necessarily be a gloomy and bad thing, instead it could also be seen as a mystery when one wakes up from the nightmare and starts to decipher the meaning of the dream.

ir feelings while keeping the connection of the audience to the music with visual help. It could also be a tool that could spread the music around when one shares the postcards with their friends and families.
Solution 2 - Video
Guide audience through the mystery feeling through dfferent phases, and with the help of music and visual entertainment as well.

Departure in F Minor

Departure in F Minor

Music project To create 2 solution to express the music "Departure in F Minor".
