💪 Champions of good and healthy food.
Beets & Roots is an innovative fast-casual concept, founded in 2016 by Michelin- starred chef Andreas Tuffentsammer and former Quandoo manager Max Kochen. Beets & Roots offers healthy, freshly made bowls, salads, wraps and soups of the highest quality.

🚀 The Challenge
Our team embarked on a mission to translate the core mission of connecting people to real food into an authentic brand and an exceptional online ordering experience. Our aim was to redefine the model of fast food ordering by leveraging the efficiencies offered by digital service design, all while creating a user experience that went beyond mere transactions. It was crucial for the brand to establish a personal connection with customers in order to cultivate loyalty.

By combining innovative digital solutions with a focus on genuine human connection, we strived to create a unique ordering experience that reflected our commitment to providing real, high-quality food. Our goal was to make each interaction meaningful and engaging, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty between the brand and our valued customers.

🧠 Strategy
Through our new platform, our primary goal was to enhance the digital ordering experience, fostering deeper engagement between the brand and its customers in order to drive increased digital conversion. We aimed to build stronger customer loyalty by cultivating intimate and personal relationships with each individual. By gaining a genuine understanding of their unique needs and behaviours, we could proactively curate a personalised Beets & Roots experience that made customers feel cared for.

To bring this strategy to life, we translated it into a delightful digital product that showcased the strong connection between each customer and their local Beets & Roots store. Furthermore, we developed a comprehensive design system that ensured a seamless experience across different touch-points and screen sizes. This design system encompassed visual design, branding, interaction, and motion, creating a unified and cohesive visual language.

🤝 B2C Platform
Beets & Roots offers two distinct services: Pick-up (B2C) and Catering (B2B). In the B2C platform, users have the convenience of ordering online and can choose to either dine in or pick up their order from designated stations in the restaurants. This significantly reduces waiting time for customers, as they can select their preferred arrival time and avoid standing in line.

The online ordering experience empowers users to create their own customised bowl or make modifications to existing bowl options. Additionally, users have the flexibility to indicate their preference for cutlery or a bag with their order. This approach helps to minimise wastage of equipment and resources.
🥗 Customise Your Bowl
As we embarked on the UX and Visual design process, my primary focus was on tackling the most complex aspect of the experience: the Bowl Builder. Unlike the existing platform, I aimed to provide users with complete control over their bowls, salads, and wraps, whether they chose to start from scratch or with one of Beets & Roots's signature combinations.

Traditional page designs for websites and applications don't always yield optimal results. By separating the look, feel, and process, the design process allows us to focus on what the user is trying to accomplish. We synthesized this approach into a comprehensive User Flow, visually outlining the digital experience for Beets & Roots's consumers. This enabled us to concentrate on what the user needs to achieve and determine the most effective way to deliver it.
🪃 Experience & Interaction Design
The entire ordering process is designed to revolve around a crucial moment, but striking a balance between a visually appealing layout, user-friendly controls, and robust customisation options proved to be a challenging task. The bowl builder had to empower users to select multiple portions of each ingredient.

Users should feel unrestricted in choosing the salad they desire, while also ensuring that their choices align with what Beets & Roots can actually prepare and fit within their bowls in real life.

🔄 Rollout & Iteration
Using tools like Hotjar and good old fashioned Google Analytics, we closely monitored how users were engaging with the platform, keeping an eye out for sticky areas in the digital and physical aspects alike. I ordered bowls and salads almost every day to get a full sense of the end-to-end experience, and to help Beets & Roots find opportunities to refine its operations as it rolled out to more stores.

Thank you for reading. 

Role: Product Designer
Date: November 2019 - May 2020


