The Defi Pool screen provides a comprehensive view of the staked LP pools as well as the general pools available. This screen serves as a centralized hub where users can easily access and manage their liquidity provider (LP) positions across various pools. By presenting a clear and organized interface, users can quickly navigate and monitor their staked assets.
Within the Defi Pool screen, users can conveniently view and track the specific pools in which they have staked their LP tokens. This feature ensures transparency and allows users to stay updated on their investment performance, rewards earned, and any changes or updates related to their LP positions.
Additionally, the screen also showcases the general pools available for users to explore and participate in. These pools offer opportunities for users to engage in yield farming, liquidity mining, or other decentralized finance activities. By presenting a range of options, users can make informed decisions and select the pools that align with their investment goals and risk appetite.
Overall, the Defi Pool screen optimizes the user experience by centralizing information, providing clarity on staked LP pools, and presenting a variety of general pools for users to participate in the exciting world of decentralized finance.


