6th of October City, Egypt

The Science City project proposal is a collaborative effort between myself and architect Yazan K. Mahadin of MK Associates-Jordan. It aims to create a monument that celebrates the rebirth of Ancient Egyptian Golden Age, where science and technology thrived and left a lasting legacy. The project serves as a statement to revive Egypt's regional and global significance, while also providing a framework for green infrastructure, social development, and education. The key concept revolves around creating an outdoor classroom that encourages interaction between the public and experts in various fields of research.

Inspiration from History: A Monument of Creation and Rebirth
The design of Science City draws inspiration from the rich historical context of Ancient Egypt. The Golden Age of Ancient Egypt was marked by significant advancements in science and technology, which continue to captivate and inspire us today. By referencing this history, the project aims to showcase the potential of science and technology to transform societies and shape the future. Science City thus seeks to reignite Egypt's regional and global significance by positioning it as a hub for scientific research, technological innovation, and educational excellence. The project aims to become a monumental structure that symbolizes creation and rebirth to attract international attention and collaborations, fostering a sense of pride and rejuvenation among the Egyptian people. It further functions as a social and educational foundation, facilitating interaction and knowledge exchange between the public and experts. The architecture is designed in a way that visually represents the birth and rebirth of ideas, knowledge, and innovation. The design elements will evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, paying homage to the achievements of the past while embracing the potential for future advancements. In addition to its symbolic importance, Science City will serve as a framework for sustainable and green infrastructure. The design will incorporate eco-friendly materials, renewable energy sources, and efficient waste management systems. The project will prioritize the conservation of natural resources, promote environmental stewardship, and provide a model for sustainable urban development. It also provides opportunities for hands-on experiments, science demonstrations, and workshops, fostering a culture of scientific curiosity and intellectual growth. 

The Science City project proposal was shortlisted and showcased in an exhibition at the renowned Library of Alexandria, where it received an honorary mention. 
Science City


Science City
