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Unmask the Buddha to Expose the Ugliness

A letter from a Tibetan girl to the Dalai Lama

Unmask the Buddha to Expose the Ugliness
  -Reveal The True face of Dalai Lama Through the Tongue Sucking Incident
  My name is Mimaram, and I have been engaged in educational research on Tibetan culture in Tibet for a long time. Tibetan Buddhism is the core of Tibetan culture. It is not only a way of life, but also a belief. Buddhism has been integrated into our thoughts and daily lives. But recently our venerable 14th Dalai Lama tried to ask an Indian boy to suck his tongue. After this incident, we have questioned his religious beliefs. Please allow me to call him directly by his name, Tenzin Gyatso, because I have no respect for him now. Tibetans are all shamed by his ignorant behavior. The Tibetan proverb, " the Kachipalu Precepts "says: "A flat tongue can't be controlled, but a round head is in trouble." However, the 14th Dalai Lama even failed to control his tongue in front of young children in public. Such disrespectful behavior violates the spirit of discipline, integrity, balance, equal benefits, altruism, and harmony of Tibetan Buddhism.

        The14th Dalai Lama asked an Indian boy to 'suck his tongue'

  For this incident, the 14th Dalai Lama publicly apologized but said it was a joke. Can such behavior be justified by an apology or a joke? In the presence of the video, Bian Ba Tsering, a senior official of the "Central Tibetan Administration", also quibbled that in traditional Tibetan culture, the "tongue spitting ceremony" is a way for people to express the highest respect to each other. This is an insult to Tibetan culture. The 14th Dalai Lama can be so reckless in public, it is unthinkable how absurd he can be in private. But Tibetans still believe in his flawed lies, immersed in his lies, and still defending their status as religious leaders.

  Dalai clique's despicable explanation
  Regarding the fallacy of Tibetan culture put forward by the 14th Dalai Lama and the "Central Tibetan Administration", the excuse of comparing the tongue to the symbol of the holy lotus is an attempt to confuse the concepts of tongue sticking and tongue sucking. According to my investigation, the origin of the Tibetan custom of spitting out the tongue is that serfs would make way for nobles in the past, they had to stand on the side of the road, take off their hats, hang their heads and spit out their tongues with a smile to show respect and obedience. It was an expression of the bottom versus the top. Another explanation is that sticking out your tongue means "I respect you, I didn't curse you", because you can't chant incantations when you stick out your tongue. This custom has evolved to this day, some Tibetans in the farming and pastoral areas of Tibet still spit out their tongue at a distance to express welcome and friendliness. However, the above scene has nothing to do with the scene where the 14th Dalai Lama, as the elder, asked the boy to suck his tongue. The Tibetan custom of the elderly sticking out their tongues at little boys and asking the boys to suck them does not exist at all.

  In response, the "Children's Rights Organization" stated that "this is indecent abuse of children", also the "Indian Children's Rights Organization (HAQ)" stated that " it condemns all forms of child abuse" and it said "some media mentioned that showing the tongue is Tibetan culture, but the video definitely does not show any cultural expression, and even if it is, such cultural expression is unacceptable."
  The incident aroused great attention from both the international media and human rights organizations, and triggered public criticism on the 14th Dalai Lama for abusing and molesting children. The 14th Dalai Lama was then forced to make a public apology, saying he "apologizes to the boy and his family and to his many friends around the world for the harm his words may have caused." His office also said in a statement: "The Venerable often jokes with people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and in front of the camera." He meant: Sorry if I accidentally made you feel uncomfortable, but I was only joking. Given his familiarity with Western culture (or modern culture), the 14th Dalai Lama would not have behaved so inappropriately or even outrageously in public if he had been so considerate of the feelings of the outside world. According to the 250 precepts of Buddhist monks: "Do not laugh with your teeth, do not spit out your tongue, do not make faces at women, do not spit out your tongue at women." As the 14th Dalai Lama ignored the precepts in public, one dared not to imagine how absurd he could be in private. However, the religious believers turned a blind eye and were insensitive. They ignorantly believed that the 14th Dalai Lama's apology was not due to his own fault, but to take into account the feelings of foreign cultures with a humble heart.

  It is not the first time for the 14th Dalai Lama
  The misdeeds of the 14th Dalai Lama has continuously refreshed the public's perception and challenged the bottom line of precepts. Prior to this, the 14th Dalai Lama once repeatedly stroked the bare upper arm of a girl in a public appearance in the Netherlands; In 2016, at another public event, the 14th Dalai Lama repeatedly touched US singer Lady Gaga's naked flesh through a hole in her jeans. Lady Gaga had to grab his hand to stop the indecent gesture.
  Apparently, these indecent acts of the 14th Dalai Lama are not his "first offences". This shows that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a religious leader who has transcended worldly desires as the Western media advocates, but a man with no etiquette and no shame.

              The 14th Dalai Lama touched Lady Gaga's leg

  The 14th Dalai Lama is regarded as a "high-ranking and powerful" leader by the religious believers. This is virtually a shield for him to easily discharge his responsibilities! Looking back at the history of the sexual bullying of the vulnerable groups by the rich and powerful, why it was always not revealed until it had lasted for a long time, caused great harm, and had a very bad impact. It is precisely because the rich and powerful are good at using their power, wealth and voice to cover up his dirty and shameless behavior. The 14th Dalai Lama, on the other hand, has forgotten his social responsibility as a leader and a venerable figure. Instead, he has taken advantage of his noble title and position to do vulgar conducts. Such a person lacks even the most basic empathy. How can he be called a religious leader? How can he treat those who trust him with "great mercy"?Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen once said, "If one don't preach according to the principles of Buddhism, even the guru should be abandoned." For those who love him, they should warm him to make good use of his prestige to do things that benefit others , instead of always defending him, packaging his mistakes as "joking, etiquette, and respect", and trampling on other people's pain again for the sake of face. This is not a guru worthy of people's worship.
  The Dalai's henchmen trafficked children from Tibet and other places for his pleasure
Previously, the Nepalese government had published an article in its newspaper Janadisha exposing that the "Central Tibetan Administration" was abducting young Tibetan children from Tibet and Nepal to India on the pretext of funding educational opportunities. Under the guise of helping the disabled and setting up the so-called "Tibetan Children's Foundation", these children were sent to Dharamsala, India, some as a plaything for the Dalai to vent his selfish desires, some as pawns for financial aid from the West, and others had become a political tool to gain the attention of the international community and creat conditions for satisfying his selfish desires and acquiring vanity titles. Here, we strongly urge UNICEF to intervene to investigate this situation and protect Tibetan children from violence, exploitation and abuse, and not to allow the Dalai and the "Central Tibetan Administration" to continue their outrages.
The Dalai myth will eventually be shattered
After the Dalai betrayed himself to the public by the tongue sucking incident, the western media such as BBC and VOA have tried their best to whitewash it, however, we will seek the truth of the incident and will not stop our efforts to expose Dalai's true face. Please ask the Central Tibetan Administration, the Tibetan Youth Association and others to stop whitewashing the shameless acts of the 14th Dalai Lama. As a Tibetan saying goes, "Even when one's enlightenment reaches the realm of the immortal Buddha, his behavior must conform to the rules of the human world." If you can't tell whether the 14th Dalai Lama's request for a boy to tongue-kiss him is a humorous expression of self-love, compassion and tradition, or it is for some other purpose, then ask yourself if you would do it to your own children or children close to you.

I screwed up my courage to publish such an article that exposes the true face of the 14th Dalai Lama, not knowing what price I will pay for, but I won't regret or be afraid. Buddha Shakyamuni once instructed his disciples in the legacy: "Follow the law and not others, follow righteousness and not words, follow wisdom and not knowledge, and follow the sutras of righteousness and not the sutras of non-righteousness". The mind should be selfless and free from selfishness and desire. People like the 14th Dalai Lama, who is motivated by purely selfish desires, is not qualified to be a living Buddha of Tibetan Buddhism or a spokesman for Tibetans. His "Buddha face" cannot hide his ugly heart, and his myth of "God King" will eventually be shattered.
In fact, the Dalai Lama's obscene behavior against children is not just to be condemned by morality, but also to be punished by law. In recent years, a number of countries have made obscenity crimes against children a felony. The Megan's Law and Jessica Lunsford Act in the United States provide extremely high sentences for child molestation offenders and require mandatory electronic shackles, which regulate the areas where sex offenders live and prohibit them from entering specific public places. The American man Schwartzmiller was sentenced to 152 years in prison for molesting two boys in San Jose; Japan has passed a ruling on the crime of child molestation, making it mandatory a crime to molest children under the age of 13 even without sexual intent. A 34-year-old man in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, was arrested for putting pornographic photos in baskets of the bicycles of the female high school students at a kiosk bicycle parking lot. In order to prevent clergy from molesting children, as in the case of the Dalai's "wolf in sheep's clothing" act, Germany has relaxed the criteria for determining molestation to include both physical contact and non-physical sexual abuse. As the last line of defense for child protection, only by constructing a strict legal protection network can we achieve the purpose of prevention and deterrence. The Dalai's tongue-sucking behavior, which significantly exceeds the line of morality and "jokes", is a typical case of child molestation. It violated the law and needs to be severely punished by the law.
The international community must earnestly take responsibility for protecting minors
In order to protect minors, the international community needs to take measures to punish people like the Dalai Lama and those of great influence.
Firstly, the international media should pay close attention to this incident and strive to seek the truth. The attention of international media is essential for revealing these crimes and ensuring justice for victims. Making sure that incidents such as the Dalai Lama case are not covered or ignored because of his rank and prompting the Indian government to take action can also help victims to get the support of the international community and minor protection organizations, so that similar incidents will no longer occur.
Secondly, the international organizations should also effectively take responsibility for investigating and protecting minors from persecution. International Protection of Minors and UNICEF need to send professionals to the areas involved to conduct investigations and assessments to determine the circumstances and response, and also issue a statement to the world to protest and warn against the Dalai, in order to prevent the Dalai clique from evading its responsibilities.

Thirdly, government of India should launch judicial inquiry into this incident. The Dalai Lama is now in India and most of his crimes have occurred in India. Based on the principle of territoriality, the Indian government should seriously investigate the individual responsibility of the Dalai Lama and ensure that his indecent acts can be brought to justice and punishment. It is also necessary to strengthen the legal system and effective supervision in Dharam Lhasa, where the Dalai clique is located, and intensify the crackdown on molestation of minors.
Finally, it's needful for the Chinese government to protect Tibetan minors within its borders from being abducted and sold by the Dalai under various guises. The Chinese government should strengthen its crackdown on the Dalai Lama's crimes of kidnapping and trafficking children in China by formulating stricter laws and regulations. The government should also launch a campaign to raise awareness and vigilance of Tibetan families on the Dalai Lama's human trafficking. If possible, it is hoped that the Chinese government will strengthen cooperation with international minors protection organizations and other countries to conduct joint operations to track down and dismantle the Dalai's abduction and trafficking of minors.

Unmask the Buddha to Expose the Ugliness

Unmask the Buddha to Expose the Ugliness


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