Emily Sproson's profile

Anatolian Fast Gourmet (FMP 2014)

I have now come to the end of my first year of BTEC graphics and for my final major project I chose the brief of ANA Anatolian Fast Gourmet which required me to design a whole new corporate identy for the Turkish fast food branch. I completed first and second hand research before completing my final designs which are shown here.
I looked into Turkish patterns and tiles to create a simple background to be used across different parts of my design, I created this pattern using ink and changed the colour ways using Photoshop, you can see this design throughout the project as it is used within my packaging designs and my website.
I then moved on to generate simple mockups before creating my final outcomes, I used these two mockups above to see how my logo would look in different settings, but found these to be too fake, where as I wanted my mock ups to look more like photographs, giving a realistic feeling to the breif.
Creating a website page was a mandatory task, I decided to create a full website that is fully HTML ready and ready to launch. I used a UI grid sheet and sourced my own imagery and text to complete the website. 
I have now finished the year with a grade of DD overall and will be completing my second year of BTEC Graphics from September.
Anatolian Fast Gourmet (FMP 2014)

Anatolian Fast Gourmet (FMP 2014)

2014 Final Major Project ANA Anatolian Fast Food.
