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雲林四湖 I 旅遊導覽地圖案SIHU Township Travel Guide Design

SIHU Township Travel Guide Design

四湖鄉位於雲林縣西南端海岸線,是一個典型的沿海農村聚落,結合Google Map俯瞰四湖地形作為設計主視覺,搭配客戶希冀能以活潑呈現給觀光客不同感受,因此選定與沿海相近之 狗狗藍 作為此次旅遊導覽地圖主色調。

SIHU Township is located at the southwest coast of Yunlin County, Taiwan. It is a typical coastal rural settlement. The main visual concept for the design is inspired by the topography of SIHU as seen on Google Maps. The client envisions a vibrant presentation to offer tourists a unique experience. Therefore, the primary color theme for this tourist guide map is selected to be "Puppy Blue," reflecting the proximity to the coastal environment.

- Cient 客戶I 雲林縣四湖鄉 立群書局 Yunlin Liqun Bookstore
- Design設計ICiao An​​​​​​​

PART ONEI三折頁導覽地圖設計 Trifold Brochures
PART TWOI看板設計 Billboard
地圖正面設計:A4 / 三折頁DM / 2022
地圖背面設計:A4 / 三折頁DM / 2022
地圖設計:A1 / 海報 / 2022
雲林四湖 I 旅遊導覽地圖案SIHU Township Travel Guide Design


雲林四湖 I 旅遊導覽地圖案SIHU Township Travel Guide Design
