Fabian Schlichting's profile

Svayatra – Himalaya Trekking

Corporate identity and photography for a himalayan trekking agency based in Sikkim, the magical part of the Indian Himalaya. »Svayatra« is a nepalese coinage. The brand name associates the terms »own« and »trip«. The young company of Sajit Cintury develops tailor-made treks. For every client his own trip through Indian Himalaya. 
Svayatra font:
A font matching Sikkim’s character: Asiatic, rough, magical.
Download here.

Svayatra’s image appears unadorned with a premium touch. But nevertheless it keeps the asian magic like Sikkim’s far-flung monastries.
The Catalog »Ein Trek nach Maß« describes a trip through Sikkim’s Himalaya.





Svayatra – Himalaya Trekking

Svayatra – Himalaya Trekking

Corporate identity and photography for a himalayan trekking agency based in Sikkim, the magical part of the Indian Himalaya.
