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Surveys Platform - UX Case study

Surveys Platform
The UX Design assignment for the Surveys platform is intended to serve as a survey platform for respondents. Once respondents click on the survey link shared on our social media pages, they will be directed to the survey platform where they can participate and have the opportunity to receive a reward, such as a voucher or a top-up.

Assignment Description
Redesigning the Survey Platform
Your task is to create a high-fidelity redesign for the Survey Platform, focusing on improving the user experience and interface design. The platform allows users to participate in surveys and earn rewards. The current design has received feedback from users regarding difficulties in navigation, a lack of visual appeal, and inefficient use of space.

How it works
Once respondents click on the survey link shared on our social media pages, they will be directed to the survey platform where they can participate and have the opportunity to receive a reward, such as a voucher or a top-up.

Challenges / The Problem
Roughly half of the respondents initiate the survey without providing any answers, while approximately 30% of respondents answer only a portion of the questions before discontinuing. On the other hand, approximately 20% of the respondents successfully complete the entire survey.

Surveys platform does not offer any monetization opportunities.
A screenshot was provided with the Assignment.
Here's what I did
Assignment timeline: 4 days.​​​​​​​

My Responsibilities:
1- Conduct user research questions/plan to understand the pain points and preferences of users.
2- Design the user interface of the Surveys platform based on the findings from the user research,        using wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs.
3- Optimize the user experience of the Surveys platform by simplifying the layout, improving the            visual hierarchy, and using clear and concise language.
4- Improve the visual appeal of the Surveys platform by implementing design principles and best          practices to create a visually appealing and attractive design.

My Process

Firstly for the understand phase

To kick off my project, I took proactive steps to address the challenges I was facing with the platform. I reached out to the project manager to gather more information and discuss the issues I was encountering, such as freezing and blank pages. By openly communicating my concerns and seeking clarification, I was able to gain a better understanding of the platform's capabilities and limitations. 
After addressing the platform issues with the project manager, I took the initiative to conduct secondary research to further enhance my knowledge of surveys and forms. ​​​​​​​I gained valuable insights into what makes a successful survey or form, including optimal design strategies for maximum engagement and response rates. 

• Here are some key takeaways I gained from my research:​​​​​​​
1- Shortening the survey may help prevent respondents from losing interest and dropping out. To do so, we can remove irrelevant questions and focus on the most important ones.
2- To improve the survey questions, they should be made clear, and easy to understand. We can achieve this by using plain language and avoiding technical terms that may confuse respondents.​​​​​​​
3- Providing feedback to respondents can encourage them to complete the survey. To improve completion rates, consider providing real-time feedback on progress by displaying the percentage of rewards earned as respondents complete each step of the survey.
4- Optimizing the survey platform can improve the user experience and make completing the survey easier for respondents. For example, we can use a mobile-friendly design, offer progress indicators, and provide clear instructions on how to complete the survey.

• For User research: Creating questions for user interviews
1- Can you tell me about your experience using the survey platforms?
2- What motivates you to participate in surveys?
3- How easy or difficult was it to navigate the survey platforms and complete a survey?
4- How do you feel about the privacy and confidentiality of your survey responses?
5- How important is the reward for participating in a survey?
6- Have you ever dropped out of a survey before completing it? If so, what were the reasons for doing so?
7- Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the survey platforms and survey experience?

Secondly Analyze the insights: 

 Motivations for survey participation
1- Users may be motivated to participate in surveys by the opportunity to share their opinions and experiences, earn rewards or incentives, or contribute to research or social causes.
2-Users prefer incentives and rewards such as cash or gift cards, or charitable donations.

Survey abandonment
1- Users abandon surveys because they are too long and boring or have technical difficulties with the survey platform.
2- Users consider factors such as the topic or subject matter of the survey, the length of the survey, and the organization or company surveying before deciding to participate.
3- Users generally prefer shorter surveys, but some are willing to complete longer surveys if they are interesting and engaging.

• Privacy and confidentiality
Users are concerned about the privacy and confidentiality of their survey responses and their data.

• Feedback and suggestions
Users have suggestions such as shorter surveys with more interesting questions, better rewards or incentives, and a more user-friendly survey platform with better design and functionality.

I wanted to make it as easy as possible for users to participate, so I developed a simple, intuitive flow for completing the survey.
User flow in survey platform
Thirdly Ideate:
I began to analyze the issues I had encountered while using the old platform. By combining the insights I gained from my research with my own experiences with the old platform, I was able to develop a comprehensive plan for addressing the problems and creating a more streamlined, user-friendly experience. To bring this plan to life, I created detailed wireframes that addressed each issue and provided clear solutions. These wireframes not only helped me to visualize the new and improved platform, but also allowed me to iterate and refine the design until it was optimized for success.

1- Welcome Page
On the old platform, users were met with a blank page containing only an input field asking for their email address. This page lacked any clear information about the purpose of the platform or how to proceed, which will lead to confusion and frustration for users who stumbled upon it via social media or other channels. To address this issue, I developed a more informative and user-friendly welcome page that not only requests necessary information from users, but also clearly explains the purpose of the platform and guides users on how to proceed. By providing this context and guidance, the new welcome page helps to eliminate confusion and ensure a smooth, seamless user experience.
2- Survey questions
On the old platform, the survey process was plagued by several issues that led to frustration and low response rates. Users were required to write out their answers for each question(including yes or no questions), which was time-consuming and led to incomplete surveys. Additionally, the survey process was presented as a single page(By looking at the scrollbar, users can get an idea of how much time and effort will be required to complete the survey.), overwhelming users with too many questions at once and further contributing to the abandonment of the survey.

• To address these issues and create a more streamlined survey experience, I developed several solutions. First, I divided the survey process into steps to reduce overwhelm and make it more manageable for users. 
• The first page of the survey now includes clear and concise questions, with radio buttons provided for questions that require a "yes" or "no" answer. This approach not only saves users time by eliminating the need to write out their answers but also makes it easier for them to complete the survey in one sitting.
• I also implemented a progress bar to provide users with a clear sense of their progress through the survey. To make the process more engaging and enjoyable, I incorporated a fun animation of a gift box gradually opening after each step or progress marker.
• By minimizing the length of the survey and consolidating satisfaction questions onto a single page, we can create a more efficient and user-friendly survey experience. Displaying the questions horizontally further improves usability and engagement.​​​​​​​
• By addressing these issues and optimizing the survey process, I aimed to increase engagement and response rates for the platform.

3- Completed Page
• To provide users with a more satisfying survey experience, I implemented two key features on the final page of our survey. 
• First, I added a completion status indicator to provide users with feedback on their progress through the survey. This feature was not possible on the previous survey platform due to technical issues such as freezing and lack of feedback. By giving users clear and immediate feedback on their completion status, I aim to reduce uncertainty and increase user confidence that their survey responses have been successfully submitted.
• Second, I included a personalized thank you message to show appreciation for the time and effort users put into completing the survey. This message is essential to creating a positive user experience and encouraging future engagement. 

Final Design
After iterating on the wireframes, I developed a High Fidelity design for our survey platform that reflects the final look and feel of the user interface. To maintain consistency with the company's visual identity, I used the main color from the company's website since a style guide or logo was not provided.
Surveys Platform - UX Case study


Surveys Platform - UX Case study
