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After us – silence | Remnants of nuclear deterence

After us – silence
Remnants of nuclear deterence
Photo book

For more than 40 years, Europe lived under the nuclear threat of the Cold War. For the project 'Remnants of deterrence', historian Arnold Pronk and photographer Martin Bruining traveled to the places where the nuclear missiles of the Soviet Union were once deployed. From the far north in Russia near Murmansk to Crimea in the south, these forgotten places are scattered in one long, unbroken chain.

Book: 245 x 290  /  180 pages
Commissioned by: Martin Bruining en Eline van Straaten-Pronk
Text and research: Arnold Pronk
Photography: Martin Bruining
Support: Eline van Straaten-Pronk
Text and image editing: De Onderste Steen, Michiel Kruidenier
Book Design: Beukers Scholma

more information about the project and order book Na ons – stilte
ISBN: 978-94-6226-467-0

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After us – silence | Remnants of nuclear deterence

After us – silence | Remnants of nuclear deterence
