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Conceptual Book Cover - Don Quixote - ART 235

PROJECT 02 - ART 235 - BYU Idaho
Summary of the chosen book:

"Don Quixote de la Mancha", is a Spanish novel that teaches us about the importance of having dreams even if they seem impossible or even call us crazy. It was written by Miguel Cervantes
It narrates the adventures of Alonso Quijano, a poor hidalgo, who lived somewhere in La Mancha at the beginning of the 17th century. He loved to read novels where fantastic adventures of knights, princesses, wizards, and enchanted castles were narrated. He went mad thinking he was a knight-errant, naming himself Don Quixote de la Mancha.
In this madness, he recovers his armor and his old horse, Rocinante. Like every gentleman, he also needed a lady, so he transforms the memory of a peasant girl with whom he was in love and gives her the name Dulcinea del Toboso. He also changed his name to Don Quixote, which rhymes with the famous knight Lanzarote (Lancelot).
Don Quixote went in search of adventures and dreams. He looked ridiculous but determined to achieve his dream of being a knight. He managed to convince a farmer, Sancho Panza, to be his squire.
When leaving together, they lived many other adventures that later became reflective. It was in those adventures that I was inspired when Don Quixote, like every knight, says to his friend Sancho Panza: “Change the world, friend Sancho, which is not madness or utopia, but justice”. If we are fair and honest, a better world can be achieved.

About the Project. 
We had to design three book covers for a classic novel in an effort to communicate the author’s message or point of view behind the narrative. These book covers were:  Cover 01-Type Only, Cover 02-Handmade, and Cover 03-Designer’s Choice. 

We had the freedom to choose the way to create them. In my case, I drew, painted with watercolors, used markers, created collages, and made adjustments with Photoshop and Illustrator. After that, we created mockups with Photoshop. 

All three covers were to be of the same classic book, as assigned by our instructor.  It was to be 6 in X9 in, and the only text was to be the title and the author's name. Posted below are the mockups of the final drafts.

It was a four-week process. It began with visual research, brainstorming, sketching, and getting feedback on the sketches. Each week of this Project, we created digital versions, received more feedback, and continually refined the digital compositions. This was my second time working with Photoshop so, I have learned a lot thanks to feedback from my classmates, Instructor, and tutorials. 

I chose the following message that the author intended to express through this novel,
The message is “Change the world, friend Sancho, which is not madness or utopia, but justice”, for that reason I chose the hand, the arm, and the colors like blue. 

My Mockups

Cover 01-Type Only
Cover 02-Handmade
Cover 03-Designer’s Choice

Other variations that arose during the process but that have not been chosen for the final work or have been modified through feedback.
Conceptual Book Cover - Don Quixote - ART 235

Conceptual Book Cover - Don Quixote - ART 235
