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The Scarlet Letter Cover Design

The Scarlet Letter - Book Cover Design
For this creative project, I was tasked to create three book covers for The Scarlet Letter. One book cover was to use type only, using typography in a clever and conceptual way to visualize the book's message. The second cover was to be handmade and constructed from physical materials. The last cover was designer's choice, developed in any style or format I choose. I enjoyed creating three separate concepts for the same novel and exploring different creative strategies to convey the themes and message of the novel.

In the novel, Hester Pryne is an outcast because of her sin of adultery. She is forced to wear a scarlet A on her chest so others will know what she has done. This makes her feel isolated and different than the rest of her community. I decided to show this with one single red A, surrounded by white A's. The red A symbolizes Hester, while the white ones represent the others in her community.
Typography Cover
For my handmade cover, I embroidered a red A to symbolize the embroidered A that Hester adorns her clothes with. In the novel, there is a wild rosebush that grows next to the prison where community members are punished. This rosebush symbolizes beauty and freedom in juxtaposition to the prison nearby. Hester is like the rosebush and thrives despite the rigid environment she is in. I wanted to show the roses on my cover and combine them with the scarlet A that Hester wears on her chest. I also incorporated pearl beads as well, which represents Hester’s daughter, Pearl.
Handmade Cover
For my designer's choice cover, I wanted to combine the title with the red A that Hester wears on her chest each day. I drew the white collar with a red A and used that A in the title of the book. I wanted it to feel organic and a little bit rough to depict the rough conditions that Hester finds herself throughout the novel.
Designer's Choice Cover
Thanks for taking a look. Let me know which cover is your favorite!
The Scarlet Letter Cover Design

The Scarlet Letter Cover Design
