Documentary : Thira (The Screen)
A documentary film that explores every aspect of the theatre industry's difficulty with the advent of streaming services. It focuses on the dilemma that the post-COVID emergence of streaming services has presented decline in theatre attendance and how it has affected the growth of theatres.
Short Film : Thaniye (Alone)
In the short film, a group of friends decides to call a random person one day out of boredom, but what begins as a joke escalates into a serious situation.

Advertisement : Baskin Robbins
In the commercial, Baskin-Robbins' many flavors are explored in a fun way. It depicts a couple out on a date enjoying their favorite, just irresistible ice cream at one of the company's locations, giving a happy and alluring experience that highlights the variety of flavors available from the brand.

News Production : Joseph's News​​​​​​​
Documentary : Humane Touch Trust

Film Making


Film Making
