Beth Wilkinson's profile

Moby Dick Book Cover

Uni Brief
To choose a book from the given list and create a creative, related cover - Moby Dick
I took the opportunity here to be creative and draw the majority of the cover. I had the idea that the waves would be in the shape of a whale which can be seen when the book is opened across the wrap around spread.
For the type I then created an alphabet (hand-drawn) to use as the typeface featuring on the front of the cover and the spine. The style I went with and tried to portray with style and colour was vintage/sailor theme to relate to the book.
I created the whale on a large scale so the cover would be detailed, giving me a variety of crops to try for the cover. 
Below is the original A2 drawing I did of the whale, drawn purely with a variety of pens
Wrap around
Below you can see the full wrap around cover, with folds to indicate where it wraps around the book.
Moby Dick Book Cover

Moby Dick Book Cover

Here is my final Moby Dick wrap around book cover, including the type and drawings I created for the cover.
