Closer&Closer Recipe Book

Our Closer&Closer artists always use their personal lives and experiences to inspire their work. And what's closer to a person's heart than the delicious food they grew up around!? 
Illustrated by Dave Coleman                                                                                              Illustrated by Estudio Santa Rita
Illustrated by Calvin Sprague                                                                                                   Illustrated by Paola Saliby
Illustrated by Bárbara Malagoli                                                                                             Illustrated by Jonathan Ball
14 of our artists brought their creative minds and delicious, inspired recipes together and created an illustrated recipe book. Each recipe is inspired by the artists' upbringing, culture, and favorite foods, and the beautiful illustrations are just icing on the cake!
Illustrated by Rafael Varona                                                                                                           Illustrated by Jill Senft           
Illustrated by Josefina Schargorodsky                                                                                            Illustrated by Anna Pers Bräcke   
Illustrated by Helen Li                                                                                                 Illustrated by Michael Eugene
Illustrated by Anna Hurley                                                                                                Illustrated by Jiaqi Wang
We absolutely love how each artist brought their own unique style to these traditional (and not-so-traditional) recipes. If you're interested in seeing more of our artists work, head over to our website. And if you'd like to hire them for your next creative project, click here!

Closer&Closer Recipe Book