Novartis Pharma US
Corporate Web Portal for Company and Health Awareness
c h a l l e n g e :
• Create an online brand for Novartis Pharma US
• Develop a process for all US pharma publishing
• Generate excitement and traffic to the new site
r e s u l t s:
• Create navigation and content design for Novartis Brand.
• Develop Graphic/Technical/Editorial Guidelines, templates
and tutorials to put the strategy into process.
• Successful digital ad campaign - avg. 2.3% click-through rate.
• Researched and developed online interactive features to
generate excitement and traffic.
a w a r d s:
eHealthcare Awards 2000:
"Most Innovative Design" - eHealthcare Awards 2000
Novartis Pharma

Novartis Pharma

• Create navigation and content design for Novartis Brand. • Develop Graphic/Technical/Editorial Guidelines, templates and tutorials to put the s Read More
