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Plant Models Vol 124

Plant Models Vol 124
A new set of slightly taller trees has been released, each with a unique shape. Come and see if you like it,
25% discount until June 5th.
Betula lenta [‘Sweet Birch’,’Black Birch’]
Betula populifolia [‘Gray Birch’]
Carya illinoinensis [‘Pecan’]
Carya ovata [‘Shagbark Hickory’]
Celtis julianae [‘Julian Hackberry’]
Eucalyptus amygdalina [‘Black Peppermint Tree’]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis [‘River Red Gum’,”]
Eucalyptus citriodora [‘Lemon Scented Gum’]
Populus cathayana [‘Cottonwood’]
Populus nigra [‘Black Poplar’]
Sassafras albidum [‘Sassafras’]
Sophora japonica [‘Styphnolobium Japonicum’]
Plant Models Vol 124

Plant Models Vol 124
