Key Takeaway: This project was established in my professional portfolio class during the spring quarter of 2023. I was asked to create an industry-standard project​ from concept through presentation of the finished product​ by focusing on both logical and creative solutions. I created a DEIB plan for the brand, Princess Polly

Objective: Students will complete projects targeting portfolio development from lay-out to final presentation. Students will gain exposure to various areas within the fashion business such as merchandising, promotion, product development, and social media. 
Students will prepare to enter the fashion industry in a professional manner. Students will develop an industry-standard portfolio​ from concept through presentation of the finished product​ by focusing on both logical and creative solutions.

Scope: Each student will identify research, prepare and present a final capstone project that displays in a compelling way key personal skills and career interests that reflect and incorporate your SCAD experience.
Senior Capstone

Senior Capstone
