CD Covers 
by Noah Ragas
For this project, the goal was to compile album covers that relate to a real-life product, different than that of the original content. What I created were four beautifully designed examples which showcase EXO's Obsession album, in a form never seen before. With imagery that directly alludes to the contents of each song, these extravagant compositions are sure to prepare you for the intense confrontations, hidden desires, and the eternal battle between good and evil that each track has in store.
The Album Cover
First to be showcased is the album cover, where a sea of red surrounds the wicked X-Suho, dressed in a sinister crimson attire. Gazing up with ill-intent, he stands as the embodiment of wickedness and manipulation, while the other members are displayed on the TVs behind him, their eyes locked in a fierce confrontation with their evil counterparts. The top screens spell out a slightly distorted "Obsession", leaving no doubt about the subject matter that lies within this musical production.
Assets Used
The Obsession Cover
The second CD cover is dedicated to the powerful track "Obsession". It showcases the mesmerizing X-Kai wrapped within the confines of his own arms, nestled inside a silhouette of his benevolent counterpart. Placed against a resplendent purple background, this symbolizes the serious tone of the song. The piercing gaze reveals a deep and unyielding devotion, drawing listeners into a world of unwavering determination to maintain control over the seemingly defeated Kai.
Assets Used
The Ya Ya Ya Cover
For the enthralling melody of "Ya Ya Ya," the third CD cover unveils the enigmatic Baekhyun in four captivating poses. At the forefront, a dominant red Baekhyun gazes forward, exuding a look of concealed worry while three blue Baekhyuns, their eyes glowing with a sinister crimson hue, cast malicious intent upon the outnumbered hero. This intriguing portrayal hints at a fascinating narrative, capturing the essence of the song's dynamic and alluring energy.​​​​​​​
Assets Used
The Jekyll Cover
In a breathtaking representation of "Jekyll," the fourth CD cover unveils Chanyeol amidst a circle of raging flames. Standing defiantly at the forefront, an embodiment of darkness and chaos, an evil Chanyeol commands attention. Within the ring of fire, another Chanyeol's face emerges, trapped yet resolute, encapsulating the internal struggle portrayed in the song. Set against a n inky black backdrop, this composition evokes a sense of intrigue, inviting listeners to delve into the duality of human nature and the complexities it entails.
Assets Used
CD Covers

CD Covers
