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LOT13 Coffee Visual Identity Design | cama café

Alishan​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Zou-Zhou-Yuan:LOT13
Coffee Visual Identity Design | cama café
社會公益團體 × 藝術家 × 設計師攜手共創

阿里山鄒築園精品咖啡 ‧ 築夢公益計畫



社會公益團體 × 藝術家 × 設計師共創870瓶限量瓶標,每一瓶都是獨一無二的存在,呼應「阿里山鄒築園 LOT13 競賽豆」是唯一且極其珍貴的優秀咖啡批次,每一瓶咖啡豆都蘊含了滿滿的創意能量與台灣咖啡產業的生命力。

鐵比卡( Typica )品種對台灣咖啡歷史來說是具有重要意義的品種,讓我們以咖啡香氣連結過去、現在,並對未來給予更多的愛與關懷,期許藉著一杯咖啡的影響力,對在地咖啡產業、社會公益等有所助益,邀請你一同品嚐栽種自台灣原始山林的古老品種,以高山雲霧滋養的阿里山紅寶石。

在海拔1200 公尺的阿里山鄒築園,以雲霧滋養的咖啡莊園中,鐵比卡( Typica )品種是僅佔其中約0.3%的精品咖啡,鐵比卡是歷史悠久的金牌品種,見證了超過百年的台灣咖啡栽培史。cama café 獨家推出「阿里山鄒築園 LOT13 競賽豆」更是榮獲 PCA 國際咖啡評鑑 85.48 高分的珍貴批次。攜手社會公益團體 × 藝術家 × 設計師共創,推出限量870瓶公益藏家禮盒,讓新鮮現烘的香氣成為社會關懷的助力,以無價的愛心,實現善的循環。


Make a cup of extraordinary coffee into a cup of influential coffee.

A collaboration between a social welfare organization, artists, and designers has resulted in 870 limited-edition coffee labels. Each bottle is a unique entity, echoing the "Alishan Zou Zhu Yuan LOT13 Competition Beans," which are the only and highly precious exceptional coffee batch. Each coffee bean carries an abundance of creative energy and the vitality of Taiwan's coffee industry.

The Typica variety holds significant importance in the history of Taiwanese coffee. Let's connect the past, present, and future through the aroma of coffee, offering more love and care. We hope that through the influence of a cup of coffee, we can contribute to the local coffee industry, social welfare, and more. We invite you to savor the ancient variety grown in the original mountains of Taiwan, the Alishan Ruby nurtured by the mist of high mountains.

At the Alishan Zou Zhu Yuan, located at an altitude of 1,200 meters, the Typica variety represents only about 0.3% of the premium coffee grown in the mist-nourished coffee estate. Typica is a long-standing gold standard variety that has witnessed over a hundred years of coffee cultivation history in Taiwan. The exclusive "Alishan Zou Zhu Yuan LOT13 Competition Beans" introduced by cama café has even received a precious batch with a high score of 85.48 from the PCA International Coffee Evaluation. Collaborating with a social welfare organization, artists, and designers, we have launched a limited edition of 870 bottles in a charity collector's gift box. Let the freshly roasted aroma become a catalyst for social care, enabling the priceless love to foster a cycle of goodness.

About "Zou Zhu Yuan" Coffee Estate:
Ali Mountain, shrouded in mist, was the pioneer in the region's coffee industry. Today, it has become a consistent winner in domestic and international coffee bean evaluation competitions. The owner of Zou Zhu Yuan has earned the prestigious title of one of the "Top Ten Divine Farmers" for their cultivation and coffee production.

The coffee plantation at Zou Zhu Yuan currently cultivates around twenty different varieties, all of which are sent overseas for genetic identification. The purpose is to determine the origins of each variety. Currently, the Taiwanese government or private sector lacks a comprehensive database of coffee varieties. The owner of Zou Zhu Yuan believes that this information is valuable for consumers or buyers, as it serves as a reliable source. True coffee professionals must be honest and truthful.

Taiwan's coffee production is low, and labor costs are high. It should not strive to become a commercial bean producer. Ali Mountain coffee should target the specialty bean market. Because the threshold for specialty beans is high, it requires conditions like high altitudes and significant temperature differences between day and night. Ali Mountain has a unique and invaluable environment that is perfect for coffee cultivation. The coffee farmers in Ali Mountain should cherish this and work together to create a thriving industry.


Coffee Visual Identity Design | cama café

Product Concept:Lung-Hao Chiang
Design:Lung-Hao Chiang
Illustration:James Li、Lung-Hao Chiang、Xerxes Oh、Noyi Li
Copy:Lung-Hao Chiang


LOT13 Coffee Visual Identity Design | cama café

LOT13 Coffee Visual Identity Design | cama café
