Spyke D.C OHanlin's profile

Until The Last Man Rocked // Assimilation

C103 was a local nightclub in Plymouth that ran for 20 years and was known as the home of Rock in the South-west. It assisted the city in moving out of a traditional mind set and initiated an eventual cultural acceptance alongside the White Rabbit.
My career as a DJ and Promotions Manager started at C103 and for 10 years I worked in and around that place, having the best time whilst I was at it. Until the club fell under bad management and after a 20 year life it the touch was past to Club Envy.
Today is May 24th 2014 and we are one day away from the anniversary of the last night we rocked C103 and it was that very night that I captured on film.
It took me a whole year but 4 days ago I successfully finished and uploaded the footage in a 27 minute story on the last night we had with capturing the essence of the bonds we have created and share together.
The film itself changed about 8 seperate times. The music used is not owned by me but was nessasary none the less. The photo section itself took me an entire month to do. Every photo was resized and placed in time with the music, 300+ pictures.
With the sucess of the film and the first anniversary coming up we at Club Envy are proud to host the C103 Dedication Celebration, Assimilation. The last night in C103 is a night no one who witnessed it, will ever forget and I as a promoter and entertainer, will not let that magic die, and as such, Bank Holiday Sunday, May 25 will be a night to remember!
Until The Last Man Rocked // Assimilation

Until The Last Man Rocked // Assimilation

A salute to the memory of a legacy, a 27 minute film telling the story of the final night spent in a club called C103, capturing the night and th Read More
