Ian Luckett's profile

Farm Cardiff - Major Project

Food is an essential of life. We need to eat. We enjoy eating. Yet how many of us stop to consider the way it was grown, processed, or transported?
The Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Centre is the first stage of a nationwide scheme with the long term goal of relieving some of the food production deficit and contribute to making the UK more self-sustainable, therefore, reducing the quantity of imported food.
This will be achieved starting at the bottom level by creating a series of small, local food producing centres in urban areas which promote sustainable communities and personal health and well-being. This will be done in ways that protect and enhance the physical and natural environment, as well as utilising locally accessible resources and being as energy effecient as possible. 
The centre’s will produce and sell safe, healthy produce in response to market demands, and ensure that all consumers have access to nutritious food and accurate information about food 
products. As well as this, the centre’s will act as tools to educate consumers about the food industry and how to be more self-sustainable.  Encouraging them to think more about where their food comes from and how it’s made.
Farm Cardiff - Major Project

Farm Cardiff - Major Project

University final year major project. An Urban Agriculture and Sustainability Centre.
