This basic concept illustration was inspired by an animation I found visually captivating on YouTube titled "Fortress/Крепость" - by Dima Fedotof | TheCGBros

It is essentially a WIP, which I plan on revisiting and potentially completing by refining and cleaning up by turning it into a vector on Ai.

What you see below was done entirely on Ps using a Wacom Intuos CTL-480 using various photographs of real pilots as references for inspiration regarding the helmet design.

The cockpit reflection is meant to imitate an F-22's, hence the minimalist design. The helmet is a mishmash of various helmets, including the F-35's, albeit significantly simplified and streamlined at the cost of fidelity to realism. Additionally, the crack on the glass visor is meant to accentuate the derelict post-apocalyptic aura.

The dead pilot is a skull stylized to merge a cybernetic aesthetic with the organic shapes of a human skull, which retains natural human teeth but metallic "bone" structures, inspired by the previously stated inspiration video: death and machines in the futuristic sci-fi post-apocalypse.

There was no specific goal, and it was merely a self-indulgent mini-project for fun and practice.
Dead Pilot


Dead Pilot
