Mariana Vieira's profile

T4 T4 - Fernanda and the heteronyms

T4 - Fernanda and the heteronyms
T4 is the number of rooms necessary to accommodate the heteronyms of our beloved Fernando Pessoa, or in this case, Fernando's cousin. Fernanda.  Have you ever wondered how they all get along in the same house? I want to know too, so let's get to know them a little. 
Alberto Caeiro was born in Lisbon, but spent his life in the countryside and was orphaned by father and mother at an early age, moving in with a grand aunt.
He saved money for a while and later managed to move to Aveiro to have a more stable life, as he didn't study beyond elementary school. He got a job as a quality inspector.
He values simplicity and shows his love for nature, he loves to go for walks in the park.
Ricardo Reis was born in Porto, where he studied medicine but moved to Aveiro because it was only in the famous city on the ria that he got a job.
He didn't get his dream job, as a surgeon, but is currently a family doctor.
He likes what is simple, but in a sense opposed to what is modern, he likes what is traditional and is very cheap.
Álvaro de Campos was born in Tavira, he graduated in naval engineering in Scotland but didn't practice his profession for a while because he didn't like being stuck inside an office all day.
Years later, when he arrived in Aveiro, he began to enjoy the profession again on the ferryboats. He admires modernity but is a pessimist, for despite his taste for progress, the present time distresses him. Sometimes he is rebellious and has an aggressive temperament.
Fernanda Pessoa was born in Lisbon, she has always been a shy woman, full of imagination and a brilliant student. She has a great passion for books, which made her become a Portuguese teacher, and she loves to spend a lot of time in the library.
While taking notes she enjoys smoking cigarettes and a glass of whiskey, which gives her a dry cough.
Although solitary and reserved by nature, with a limited social life and superstitious. She is an affectionate and humorous woman always ready to help others.
She is not very fond of technology which makes her dislike taking pictures and talking on her cell phone.
Project produced in the context of the master's degree in Communication and Audiovisual for the New Media. 

Developed by: Mariana Vieira  |  Mariana Coelho  |  Bruna Paz |  Beatriz Henriques
T4 T4 - Fernanda and the heteronyms

T4 T4 - Fernanda and the heteronyms
