Sam Grant's profile

TZFM201 Spring Week 8 presenting

I am not really familiar with Lightroom, apart from the basics. As I have taken this course to push my boundaries, I have chosen to experiment with how my images could be presented.
As a child of the sixties and a fan of Andy Warhol, my intention is to create commercial pop-art from one or more of my images.
I have set some parameters:
The image(s) chosen will be taken from work I have carried out as part of this course.
There will be no research into Andy’s work and will rely on my memories of his photographs and art.
The project will not be totally in line with the pop-art scene at the time as no drugs will be consumed as part of the experiment.
I propose to use a striking image that can be replicated in different colours and moods with good effect.
I will present six images in total which, if they were to be displayed would form one singular work of art which could be sold as such or split into individual pieces.
My intention is to learn the art of presenting my work in appropriate ways with the help of the Adobe family.
TZFM201 Spring Week 8 presenting

TZFM201 Spring Week 8 presenting
