Bidsbee | Brand Identity

BidsBee is a trading social trading platform developed to assist traders in benefiting from the price movements in the crypto market.

Inspired by the ingenious structure of a honeycomb, our logo embodies the essence of Bidsbee. Just as bees work harmoniously to achieve remarkable results, Bidsbee fosters a community-driven atmosphere that thrives on mutual success. The interwoven hexagon patterns represent the seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and human expertise, forming the foundation of our platform's prowess. A vibrant orange hue that exudes energy and excitement, Bidsbee leaves a lasting impression wherever it goes.

creative strategy director → Oleksandr Shatun
art director & head designer → Kateryna Bespalova
head 3D motion designer → Alina Lazarenko
lead graphic designer → Lilii
a Pomelova
graphic designer → Maryna Dovhenko
graphic designer → Polina Polozenko
3D motion designer → Oleksandr Lukashenko
3D motion designer → Oleh Cheremys
3D modeler → George Portnoy

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Bidsbee | Brand Identity