Design Communication
Type as text, Type as image, Type & image
This module led me to a process that started from the basic form of the letter in an alphabet, together with the modification and exploration of a glyph. It involved and gave me the opportunity to explore through a visually experimental approach, how typography and letterform contribute to the construction of meaning in visual communication.

Task 1: Studying the form of a non-latin alphabet, modifying the font and creating stencils.
Task 2: Creating a poster to promote the font.
Task 3: Creating 4 spreads on the given subject. My given subject was 'Dirty'.
Moodboard showing my research on the non-latin font - Georgian
Georgian Circular - The font I created from the Georgian alphabet
Font sketches, experiments and stencils
Poster experiments
The final 2 posters; 1 is showing negative space and the other is more focused on the form
Mindmap on my given subject: Dirty
After a lot of experiments, I presented these final spreads, each having a different meaning of 'Dirty'. 
(Dirty talk, Subliminal images in advertising, dirty graphics and body hygiene).
I had to take the photos to include in the spreads, choose the articles and follow the same grid I created.
Design Communication


Design Communication

Type as text, Type as image, Type & image
