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Tofino Travel Blog

Logan's Tofino Blog
Mostly fit with people photos and some of the surrounding landscape. It was a long trip up there on the bus, a little bumpy as well, but enjoyable. Along with the colour landscape photos I took, I brought my Canon AE-1, which is a film camera I used to capture some photos on B&W 400 ISO film. I haven't developed them  yet but plan to shortly! (This is where many of my images are)
This is my image compilation of the town through the eyes of interest.
This photo was taken from the Cox Bay Hill which we hiked up! It provided a great view of the surrounding beaches, and the islands far out. It was a nice walk up, lots of climbing and getting my tripod in my bag stuck on branches not far from my head, and a lot of mud, but the view was quite fantastic! I definitely didn't get lost on the way down.
Taken from the lower part of the hike up Cox Bay Hill, the beach was super active and the surf life was popular with the temperature jump! I couldn't miss the opportunity to capture the dog enjoying the beach a little more than everyone else. There is a lot to see in Tofino and personally I love watching the life around the beaches more than I do the boardwalks and eateries in town.
The two images below I quickly shot with my phone to send to my mother, the first being the Cox Bay Hill, and the second being the view from above with the beautiful clouds that lined the sky.
Sea Caves & Beachwood
Walking to the sea caves was pretty, lots of interesting things among the walk. Including some pretty erosions in the rock forming beautiful caves (image above of the Beachwood too) and lots of houses around, what a life to live in one! I found lots of shells and barnacles hidden in crevices of the rocks, along with some interesting angles to take photos from. Lots of things in this area caught my eye, not because they were necessarily pretty or different, but because they were simply interesting, including the beachside homes and the ways things grew on the rocks.
My viewfinder was not adjusted properly so my autofocus being set to everything caused one of my photos to go rogue. I found a cool way to soften Isaiah as it saved my photo! And amongst the beaches, the seagulls flying over made good target practice for my camera tracing. I can never get tired of the random moving things around me.
The wildlife out in Tofino is quite interesting, with the supposed wolves and bears, I have a dying want to see some come out so I can take a photo, it may cost more than I intend, but a cool photo is worth it! I don't know, if it was my first time going up, I would be stoked to see what would come out!
Long Beach, Incinerator Rock
Long beach is always one of my favourite places to go surf, it's a good beach, open in the sun, and the stretch of waves is fantastic to get out in! I wish this trip allowed me to head out for a surf as it would've been a great day to be out, although the waves, weren't the largest today. Also the big rock is always a cool thing to check out, I always think about if I could swim out and climb it.
To add to my time at Long Beach, I spent time looking up at passing planes flying over Tofino or taking off from YAZ overhead. I love seeing planes fly overhead and I like to isolate the photos into B&W subjects, it is something I can do anywhere and it is a pretty cool concept in my mind! 
Mr Patience providing comprehensive camera assistance, as per usual. (I believe this was taken at long beach as well!)
Along with my use of my digital camera, I made sure to take plenty of black and white photos from my film camera to develop, I haven't had a good chance to take this out so I sat on a log at Long Beach and took photos of students running out taking photos, and of Elena who chose to model for a point and shoot photo.
The Bog Trail was our final stop. It didn't have a load of interesting things to take photos of, but by staying on the trail I did find myself seeing what I came across, including this bulb style plant that I found was super cool! Also the tree had some cool bark textures.
Adding a final image of where we stopped for lunch, the tacofino area had many cool eateries! I liked the structure that the wildside grill was placed in!
Tofino Travel Blog

Tofino Travel Blog
