Libertee Church
A New Era Church in Metaverse
Welcome to Libertee Church in the Metaverse! Here you can see the most complete collection of works by artist Misha Libertee. This is perhaps the only temple that is open 24/7 and is available to all people regardless of religion, gender, race, place of birth and even location. Everyone who has any device with access to the internet can come here and enjoy examples of contemporary art in a modern way of its consumption, meet people, and chat with the author in VR every Sunday.
It all started in Minecraft

During the 2020 pandemic, I held an art show in the world's most popular sandbox game - Minecraft. The opening of my exhibition featured a stand-up comedy concert, a live theatrical performance, and a piano concert by the renowned composer Kirill Richter. All of this took place within a video game during a period of global lockdown. Over the first weekend, more than 1,000 people visited the exhibition on the server, and around 500,000 viewers watched the opening stream on VK and Twitch.
Real Life Prototypes

For that exhibition, I created digital replicas of my physical works from the LIBERTILE series, which is designer bricks and stained glass from my MVP collection. Additionally, I have a public art project called Inflatable Candies, which features giant animal figures that I use to carry out eco-enlightenment missions and address socially significant topics. The most famous artwork in this series is #Slonik, a 23-meter inflatable sculpture that I presented at Burning Man 2019.
Due to technical limitations of the server, I was unable to showcase all of my works at that time.
But here comes the 2023
Over the past three years, there has been an incredible leap in what we now call the Metaverse. Modern platforms allow for the creation of entire virtual worlds. Personally, I have decided to start with a small church where I will gather all of my works and open a permanent virtual gallery. This way, I can meet and engage with my audience virtu-live at any time.
Libertee Church