Alzheimer poster

This is a project for my graphic design formation, I had to create a poster for a cause that is close to my heart.

I decided to choose a cause that is close to my heart and that is Alzheimer's disease that is a chronic neuro-degenerative disease that destroys brain cells, which causes, over time, a deterioration of memory and thinking abilities. Alzheimer's disease is not part of the normal aging process and is irreversible.  

Making a poster on this subject allows to make known this disease and especially the association "Alzheimer Switzerland" which aims at helping the patients and the close caregivers. By showing that this disease can affect everyone but that help exists and that it is also possible to make donations.

Forgetting is represented by smoke that hides the word memories. The fog comes to hide the word as if we could not remember it even if we see it.
Alzheimer poster

Alzheimer poster
