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Scaling New Heights of Ridiculousness

Scaling New Heights of Ridiculousness: A Case Study on Geometric Mountain Icons
The concept behind this project was to create a series of 12 abstract geometric mountain icons that could be created into fun decorative stickers. 

The objectives of the project were to:
-Create a unique and eye-catching design that can appeal to outdoor lovers
-Convey the idea of mountainous landmarks in a simple yet interesting way
-Use a consistent color scheme and design across all 12 icons

To begin the project, I started by sketching out some rough ideas and concepts for the icons. 
I then moved on to creating more refined sketches in Illustrator, using geometric shapes to create the outline of the mountains. After this, I started to explore different color schemes that resinated with my target audience and could be used across all the icons.
To get feedback and suggestions, I shared my initial sketches with my peers. They provided helpful feedback and suggestions that I applied to my second drafts. 

After another round of discussion with my peers, I decided on some key suggestions I wanted to further implement in my final draft.

Some of the feedback I received included:
-Experimenting with breaking some assets of the icons out of the circle
-Adding more detail to the mountains to make them more distinct and unique
-Stray away from the overall circle shape and create my own shapes

Using this feedback, I made adjustments and refinements to my initial designs and eventually arrived at my final set of icons.

I created these icons to resonate with all types of outdoor lovers, taking inspiration from major landmarks across the world. The use of geometric shapes to outline the mountains effectively conveys the idea of mountains in a simple yet effective way. Lastly, the consistent color scheme and design across all of them helps to create a cohesive set of designs that can be used together or individually.
Scaling New Heights of Ridiculousness

Scaling New Heights of Ridiculousness
