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People's Public Servant Examination Urge Program

People's Public Servant Examination Urge Program
In order to urge this friend to take the teacher post in mainland China, I tried my best to show my care and love for this friend. Since I can't offline battle and supervise her, I will use a poster, output and paste it on It is also a good choice to play an urging role in her family.
最近使用了大量的adobe illustrator中的3D效果插件进行创作,本次的设计也不例外,这个#ff4488的红球将作为一个“小丑鼻子”存在在海报中,并且结合银卡的材质和合适的粘贴位置,红点会代替观者的鼻子。
Recently, a lot of 3D effect plug-ins in adobe illustrator have been used for creation, and this design is no exception. The red ball of #ff4488 will be used as a "clown nose" in the poster, combined with the material of the silver card and suitable Paste the position, the red dot will replace the viewer's nose.
In fact, the implication is that people who do not study or review are clowns.
如果只是单独的红色点是难以在整体视觉上形成“骂人”的感受,因此添加了一些钟表的元素在其中,让紧迫感升级,并且配合文案:“Do it NOW!”作为图形进行编排。
If it is just a single red point, it is difficult to form a "swearing" feeling in the overall vision, so some clock elements are added to it to upgrade the sense of urgency, and it is arranged with the copywriting: "Do it NOW!" as a graphic.
Graphical combination ⬆️
在表盘上也进行了不一样的尝试,后来经过调查决定选用60个“Do it NOW!”更有威慑力,其中在“NOW”上添加了“—”以讽刺这位朋友对睡眠的执着。在指针选中的位置即正常的现实变成粗体以表达要开始学习。
A different attempt was also made on the dial, and after investigation, it was decided to choose 60 "Do it NOW!" to be more deterrent, and "—" was added to "NOW" to satirize this friend's obsession with sleep. Where the pointer selects, the normal reality becomes bold to indicate that learning is to begin.
Next is the copywriting part. Encouraging words are more powerful when spoken offline, while the power of words and images is relatively lacking in comparison with static posters and offline chats. In the end, I used some titles extracted from the catalog of some books about her own test items as copywriting, which can increase the tension and discomfort of poster viewers and force themselves to study to achieve their goals.
In order to further let this friend feel the urgency of time and the concept that if you don't study, you are a clown, the mirror silver card imported from Japan was specially selected for printing.
First, we took the height of the red dot and the friend's nose as a benchmark and posted it on the wall.
In the second step, the friend only needs to pass through the mirrored silver card, and as long as she sees this poster, her face will be reflected on the poster.
The third step is that every time I read it, I will deeply feel my supervision and malice towards her career in public examination.
white background manuscript
Silver card renderings
             made by
People's Public Servant Examination Urge Program


People's Public Servant Examination Urge Program
