Not just a Collection; it's a reflection of the profound feeling of emptiness and the extraordinary possibilities that can emerge when we open our inner minds and eyes. It's my personal journey encapsulated on canvas, a reminder that it's okay to feel empty because within that void, incredible creations can take shape.
I birthed this art from the depths of an empty spirit, a soul desperately yearning for meaning in the vast expanse of nothingness. Guided by the whispers of my mind and the dance of my hand, I followed an unseen instruction, giving life to these four pieces. Yet, the puzzle pieces didn't click until the revelation descended into my soul like a dewdrop.
In that moment, the words of Genesis 1:2 echoed through me: "And the Earth was a formless VOID." It struck a chord deep within, and suddenly, everything made sense. I realized that when I encounter an empty space, all I see is the untapped potential waiting to burst forth.
As I reflect on "Void," I'm reminded that emptiness is not a void to be feared; it's a canvas inviting us to paint our stories, to breathe life into the formless. It's an affirmation that from nothing, greatness can arise.
And so, I invite you to embrace the void within, for within that emptiness, miracles are waiting to unfold.
As I like to say, "In emptiness, we discover the canvas of possibilities."



