Imagine: Kala cotton tales

What is life but a woven fabric, each thread representing a moment in time, an emotion felt? Seams are interwoven to form patterns, bursting with color and creation. Each represents a memory, a laugh, a smile, a tear. Life's beauty is in its extremes, the lightest moments of reflection and the darkest moments of quiet, all bound together with the thread of existence, permeating each layer with unspoken emotions. 
This coffee table book brings you an effort to capture life, life caught in the moment of fleeting happiness, represented by fabric. These are some moments of peace and tranquility tucked in the seams of kala cotton.
Generations of love and countless memories,
Things that your Nani passes down.
You walk in the same saree,
Draped over your little night gown.
Watching the mundane feels like surreal magic,
When its you, me and the home we've made in.
Oozing with cheese and fresh baked broccoli,
Its all as wholesome as it can serenade.
Drifting away into your sweet dreamland,
Tucked into the comfort of kala cotton sheets.
You close your eyes and fall asleep,
beside your furry little friend who loves how your palm feels.

Concept by team 
Illustration : Nandita Kumar , Niyati Gajera , Palak Gera , Pranitha Lekkala 
Animation  by Nandita kumar
Content : Pranitha Lekkala , Pratiksha Das, Palak Gera 
Layout Design : Neelanjana Deepak
Imagine: Kala cotton tales