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Visual Journalism Motion Graphic

Qatar's World Cup vs Homosexuality
Six out of 10 people in UK oppose Qatar hosting World Cup over anti-gay laws. Qatar and Fifa organisers, meanwhile, have repeatedly said everyone is welcome, but, with the competition starting on November 20, laws on homosexuality are likely to remain a problem area of the World Cup.

For this motion graphic visual journalism, I wanted to talk about a topic in the news that struck me about the LGBT+ Community. I identify my sexuality as bisexual and large portion of my friends fall under the LGBT+ umbrella. To hear about the discrimination and the atrocities affecting the community in Qatar highlighted by the hosting of the World Cup, the globe has open their eyes to see that we are not all safe. There are people fighting to be themselves freely everyday or putting the effort in to hide it due to same-sex relationships being punishable by the death sentence in Qatar. When I read that it scared me and made me think. What if I fell in love with a girl (same-sex)? What if my male friend wanted to visit a country like this with his boyfriend? Putting myself in the shoes of a gay Qatari put it in perspective for me. They have been hiding their whole life and most likely had to move away from their home and their family to be truly free.
Visual Journalism Motion Graphic

Visual Journalism Motion Graphic
