Paris Hilton caricatured as an indian goddess icon, holding on to her family values... Another extremely fun school project proposing to turn a celebrity we admire into an idol figure... I do admit that I stretched the 'admire' part a bit. Pinkest project to date, and I loved glueing every sparkle of it. Yes!
Idolisation de Paris Hilton au modèle de la déesse indienne Vishnu... Un projet d'école bien amusant qui proposait de glorifier une célébrité qu'on aime... J'ai un peu joué sur la partie 'aime', mais que de plaisir! Et que de rose!
9x12 wrapping paper collage, glitter and pencils on velvet. So much fun and pink and humor in one piece, I loved making it!
No cheaping-out on the kitsh factor!
Colored pencil on velvet was so much fun to experiment with!!! Some gouache to help the highlights... 
Ah, family values...
Vishnu Hilton