Get up and move! MOVE magazine covers any and all sports and is issued throughout the country. Every article and advertisement inside the magazine makes sports fans in their twenties want to be active and constructive. Tips on how to eat healthy, how to deal to with stress, where to get the latest and best electronics and fashions, what is the newest workout and more help the viewer stay current and attain their best out of life. Each edition of MOVE will feature an important event or person in the sports world. This edition of the sports magazine focuses on the upcoming events of the FIFA World Cup this summer. All content in MOVE will inspire the reader to love sports and being active. 
Special thanks to Jacob Jennings for photographing all my finished projects this semester!
Table of Contents
Reebok Checklight article on tech gadgets
2014 FIFA World Cup Anthem article on music
2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil article on tourism
FIFA tourism article continued
FIFA tourism article concluded
NIKE NOLA Gumbo League article on fashion
NIKE NOLA Gumbo League collage
NIKE NOLA Gumbo League concluded
Beats article on music
Beats article on music concluded
Classic Sculpture Athletes article on art
Classic Sculpture Athletes article concluded
Cover full spread
Thanks for watching!


Sports magazine for a Typography class
