Charles Bail's profile

Wall of Rain 1.0 — Interactive installation

Photosensitive installation where the user disturbs the peace of the
forest. He is lost in the dark and only raindrops lead him to distinguish
his body. His image is degraded, it appears only in fragments until it
no longer resembles a human figure.



Futur en Seine
Paris, 2016

Séminaire Digital BNP
LE TANK, Paris, 2016

Numok Festival
Paris, 2015

Paris, 2015

UNESCO Year of Light
Bologna, 2015

Maker Faire Roma
Roma, 2014
Maker of Merit

Maker Faire Paris
Paris, 2014
Maker of Merit
Long exposure
Séminaire Digital BNP - LE TANK, Paris, 2016
Latency: time is slower, creating a zen atmosphere.
The visitor adapts his movements to the projection.
Tangible "me"
Autonomous environment: a bright scene is displayed until
a visitor enters the room and starts the rain
I developped a sketch on processing. Combined with a kinect
and the library SimpleOpenni I’m able to capture the user's form.
I use video projection to make his fragmented image appear.
Alexandra Momal, Cécile Madoz & Iris Descatoire were responsible for the video recording. Combined with the work of Thomas Blanc for the sound design, I was able to to express the nature of my project.
THOMAS BLANC aka PMGN  helped me to create the music of my installation. His thoughts about the work :

“ Le travail sur ce projet a été de créer une ambiance sonore étrange et douce, assez en retrait pour ne pas lasser le spectateur sur plusieurs minutes. Lorsque la pluie n'est pas encore activée, une simple ambiance de forêt est diffusée.
Lorsque la pluie arrive, une ambiance plus irréelle se dégage, avec de longues nappes sonores étirées, assez sourdes. Une réverbération est ajoutée à la pluie pour apporter une dimension différente de la première partie, plus confuse, onirique.
La communication entre Charles et moi a été simple et efficace, étant donné que mon univers sonore correspondait à ses attentes.”
Wall of Rain 1.0 — Interactive installation

Wall of Rain 1.0 — Interactive installation

Photosensitive installation where the user disturbs the peace of the forest. He is lost in the dark and only raindrops lead him to distinguish hi Read More
