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Guide to Montenegro plants and flowers

Agapanthus, some species are commonly known as lily of the Nile or African lily.
Agave azul is used in the production of tequila. Some species contain components in their juice which can cause dermatitis.
Ajuga also known as bugleweed, ground pine, carpet bugle or bugle. Ajuga genevensis uses within traditional medicine as a tonic, for treatment of disorders related with the respiratory tract.
Algerian ivy also known as Hedera algeriensis, is used as a ground cover on highway embankments to help control erosion.
Aloe species are cultivated as ornamental plants and are used both internally and externally on humans as folk or alternative medicine. Aloe vera is used for first aid. Both the translucent inner pulp and the resinous yellow aloin from wounding the aloe plant are used externally for skin discomforts. Aloe vera juice is commonly used internally for digestive discomfort
Anemone hortensis is commonly called broad-leaved anemone.
Anthriscus cerefolium  also called chervil, French parsley or garden chervil, is used to poultry, seafood, vegetables, soups and sauces.
The Arecaceae is commonly known as palm, have great economic importance, including coconut products, oils, dates, palm syrup, ivory nuts, carnauba wax, rattan cane, raffia, and palm wood. The palm branch is a symbol of triumph and victory and symbol of the tropical island paradise.
Asphodelus leaves are used to wrap Italian cheese.
Aubrieta is cultivated as groundcover in the rock garden, or in crevices in the wall.
Bay laurel, also known as bay tree, sweet bay, true laurel, Grecian laurel or Laurus nobilis, is used in a variety of recipes.The aromatic leaves are added to pasta sauces, soups and stocks, as well as being a common addition to a Bloody Mary.
Do not confuse with cherry laurel.
Bougainvillea are popular ornamental plants. The sap of bougainvillea can cause serious skin rashes.
Brugmansia aurea, also known as golden angel's trumpet, is cultivated as ornamental plant. It is used as a hallucinogen and as a truth serum.
Calendula that are often known as marigolds. It is used medicinally as an anti-inflammatory and a remedy for healing wounds. The petals are edible and can be used fresh in salads or dried and used to color cheese or as a substitute for saffron. 
Campsis, commonly known as trumpet creeper or trumpet vine, can cause contact dermatitis.
Cherry laurel is cultivated as ornamental plant. It's leaves and seeds may cause severe discomfort if ingested.
Clover is foraged by wildlife, including bears, rodents and birds.
Cousinia may cause contact dermatitis.
The crocus has been known mainly as the source of saffron. The crocus is used to symbolically denote spring and new beginnings.
Cupressus sempervirens also known as Mediterranean cypress, Italian cypress, Tuscan cypress, Persian cypress or pencil pine is cultivated as an ornamental tree. Traditionally, the cypress is associated with death and the underworld.
Dandelion also known as Taraxacum. The entire plant is edible and have been gathered for food since prehistory. The yellow flowers is used as dye pigment.
Dipsacus  also known as teasel, teazel or teazle, is traditionally used in process, called teased wool.
Euphorbia nicaeensis
Gaillardia, also known as blanket flower, is used mostly for ornamental purpose.
Grass lily, also known as Caesia parviflora.
Grape is used as food over history.
Hippeastrum is valued for its large ornamental flowers.
The honey locust, also known as the thorny locust or thorny honeylocust, is popular ornamental plants. The pulp on the inside of the pods is edible unlike the black locust, which is toxic. Honey locusts is a source of quality, durable wood.
One species, Hordeum vulgare (barley) is used in the production of beer and whiskey.
Kiwi is used as food over history.
Leontodon, also known as hawkbits, derive iys name from the belief that hawks ate the plant to improve their eyesight.
Lilium is used as ornamental plant. Lily flowers and bulbsare used in cuisine and traditional Chinese medicine.
Limone is used as food over history.
Magnolia flowers of many species are edible and is used as a spicy condiment. The bark and flower buds are used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Malva is used as ornamental plant. Many species are edible as leaf vegetables. Leaves of various species is used in traditional medicine as tea or externally as baths for treatment of disorders of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract. The leaves can also be chewed to soothe coughs or sore throats.
Mandarin is used as food over history.
Mimosa is used as ornamental plant.
Narcissus are popular as ornamental plants. All Narcissus contain poison, mostly in the bulb and in the leaves. Narcissi has been an important ingredient of perfumes. In medicine its uses include the application to wounds, strains, painful joints, and various local ailments.
Oleandre, also known as nerium,is used as ornamental plant. Oleander is a poisonous plant that can affect the gastrointestinal system, the heart, and the central nervous system.
Opuncia. Although the plants are edible, the pointed hairs should not be eaten. The similar species with milky sap are toxic.
Osteospermum, also known as the daisybushe or African daisie, is used as ornamental plant.
Oxalis is used as ornamental plant.
Paeonia is used in traditional medicines as a treatment for convulsions.
Pinus pinea, also known as stone pine, umbrella pine and parasol pine, was cultivated for their edible pine nuts. Those nuts were trade items since early historic times.
Pohutukawa, also known as iron tree, is known for dense, strong and highly figured wood. In traditional medicine is used for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, sore throat and wounds.
Primula is used as ornamental plant.
Pyrethrum is been used as a natural insecticide. Its flowers should be dried, crushed and mixed with water.
Rose is used as ornamental plant. Crushed petals are used for rose water which is used for cooking, medicine and cosmetics.
Rosemary , also known as Salvia rosmarinus, is used as a decorative plant. The leaves are used to flavor various foods.
Sunflower seeds are used as human food.
Wisteria, also known as Glycine, is a popular ornamental plant. All parts of the plant are toxic iand may cause dizziness, speech problems, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, diarrhea.
Xeranthemum, also known as annual everlasting or immortelle, is a symbol of eternity and immortality.
Zantedeschia is used as ornamental plant. All parts of the plant are poisonous, producing local irritation.
Guide to Montenegro plants and flowers


Guide to Montenegro plants and flowers


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