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Movie Poster- the Iron Giant

Movie Poster Re-Make
The Iron Giant
I recently completed a project where I had to create a teaser poster and a movie poster for a film of my choice. After giving it some thought, I decided to go with the classic animated movie, "The Iron Giant". This was a movie I really enjoyed as a kid, and I felt that it would be a fun challenge to create a poster for it. Additionally, I really love the art style of the movie, which is similar to my own drawing style.

To create this poster, I drew the design entirely on Procreate. It was really exciting to bring my artistic vision to life on my tablet, as I sketched out different ideas and worked on the details until the design felt complete. After completing the drawing, I then used Photoshop to create the mock-up for the poster and the billing.

Re-watching the movie while creating this project was a really enjoyable experience for me, as I was able to immerse myself in the world of the Iron Giant once again. When I was finished with the project, I was really happy with how it turned out, and I felt that it captured the essence of the movie in a unique and creative way. Overall, this project was a lot of fun, and it reminded me of my love for art and creativity.
Movie Poster- the Iron Giant

Movie Poster- the Iron Giant
