Mini Barbieri's profile

High Voltage Heroes

Estampa estilo geek divertida, inspirada na mescla entre os personagens de duas clássicas séries de animação: Pokémon (anos 90) e Thundercats (anos 80).

À venda na minha loja na Collab55 e na Threadless, disponível em camisetas (unissex adulto e infantil), moletons (unissex adulto), bodies de bebê, capas de almofada, canecas, toalhas e posteres.

This design was inspired by the 80's and 90's and it's a fun mashup between the Pokémon series and Thundercats.

 It's on sale on Collab55 and on Threadless it's available on t-shirts, sweats, baby bodies, pillows, mugs, towels and posters.



Thanks for passing by :) Consider following me for more ;)

High Voltage Heroes


High Voltage Heroes
