To date (April 2023), there have only been 19 human fatalities during space travel. And of those 19, 16 were during launch or re-entry and happened within Earth's atmosphere. So there have only been three deaths that actually took place in space—the 1971 Soyuz 11 mission. But humans are still fighting to escape the tyranny of our gravity well. As we send more people into space and as we venture further and further away from our home planet, it's inevitable that at some point someone will be lost to space. They will drift away forever. Perhaps they will run out of oxygen. Or perhaps they will give in to despair and expose themselves to the vacuum of space. What would you do if you were eternally adrift in the blackness of space?

I asked Stable Diffusion, trained on two different datasets, to draw a space fatality. This is what it came up with based on the first training dataset:

And this is what it came up with based on the second training dataset:

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
Lost to Space